START Planner P3 - Klas 1 (2023/2024)  
P Leerdoelen A1:
- You can understand when people talk about markets and about food items
- You can use words to describe groceries (boodschappen) and the kitchen
- You can buy things, talk about food, and order(bestellen) something
- You can use some and any, and plurals(meervouden)
- You can understand texts about snacks and about baking
- You can use this, that, these and those
22-jan Week 1  
H Flexlessons: Focus on studying words: theme Food Talk  
M Introduction to the new topic: food
- exercises 1-10, page 140-143
L Study Theme words, page 178  
29-jan Week 2  
H Flexlesson: Focus on listening & watching about Food  
M Listening/ watching
- exercises 11-17, page 144-147

L Study Theme words & words A Watching, page 178  
05-feb Week 3  
H Flexlesson: Focus on reading & stones about Food

M Reading & speaking
- exercises 18-28, 148-155
L Study words C Reading, page 179
12-feb Week 4  
H \  
M Listening:
- exercises 29-41, page 156-163
L Study words F Listening, page 179
26-feb Week 5  
H Flexlesson: Focus on reading about food  
M Reading:
- exercises 42-46, page 164-167

L Study words G reading, page 179  
04-mrt Week 6  
H Flexlesson: Focus on speaking with this/that/these/those
M Speaking & writing:
- exercises 47-57, page 168-175
L Study Theme words, page 178
11-mrt Week 7  
H Flexlesson: Focus on most important parts of chapter 3/questions

M Working on the task assignment  
L Study all words, page 178-179, Study stones page 180.
Know grammar topics page 181.

T Task assignment  
18-mrt Week 8  
H Flexlesson: Focus on most important parts of chapter 3/questions.  
M Herhaal/ inhaal les + proeftoets  
L Study all words, page 178-179, Study stones page 180.
Know grammar topics page 181
25-mrt Week 9 (Toetsweek)  
naam Repetitie Engels hoofdstuk 3  
duur 60 minuten  
stof Listening, reading & writing
- Woordjes p. 178-179
- Stones p. 180
- Begrijpen grammar topics p 181
mat. Pen en leesboek voor als je klaar bent.  
P P : periode taak  
H H : hulp (waar te vinden, extra te doen)  
M M : maken  
L L : leren  
+ + : extra: differentiëren, verdiepen  
T T : toets