START Planner P1 - Klas 4 (2023/2024)  
P You can have a conversation with an English speaking person about a certain topic. (e.g. ordering tickets, asking for directions, make a complaint)
You can speak in English about a certain topic for two minutes.
You can use the appropriate vocabulary to get your message across.
You can form correct English sentences.
You can speak in a neutral English accent or a British / American accent.
21-aug Week 1  
28-aug Week 2  
4-sep Week 3  
H #1 Monologue: School & Education workshop in class  
M Finish one monologue.
Work on your goals for this week (planner in your reader).
L Study words list 1: Education  
11-sep Week 4  
H Past simple mini workshop and explain the pictures workshop in class.  
M Finish your second monologue.
Work on your goals for this week (planner in your reader).
L Study words list 2: Travelling   
18-sep Week 5  
H Present simple mini workshop and U-sound workshop in class.  
M Finish your third monologue.
Work on your goals for this week (planner in your reader).
L Study words list 3: Work  
T (formative) optional deadline: Record and hand in a monologue for feedback.  
25-sep Week 6  
H Future mini workshop, -ed sound / Strange spelling workshop, topic 5: work experience / future plans workshop in class  
M Finish your fourth monologue.
Work on your goals for this week (planner in your reader).
L Study words list 4: sports/going out  
2-okt Week 7  
H Word order mini workshop and Topic 2: Public Transport workshop in class.  
M Work on your goals for this week (planner in your reader).  
L Study words list 5: Debating  
T (formative) optional deadline: Record and hand in a pronunciation reading text for feedback.  
9-okt Week 8  
H Th – sound / longer words workshop and topic 6: making reservations workshop in class.  
M Work on your goals for this week (planner in your reader).  
L Study words list 1-5  
T Vocbulary test: Study vocabulary lists 1-5 (EN/NL + NL/EN)  
23-okt Week 9  
H #4 Monologie: Spare time / Hobbies / Sports monologue workshop, explain the pictures and mocktest in class.  
M Work on your goals for this week (planner in your reader).  
L Study words list 1-5.  
T (formative) optional deadline: Act out and record 2 conversations for feedback. (switch roles) Choose a topic.  
30-okt Week 10 (Toetsweek)  
naam SE Mondeling  
duur 15 minuten  
stof Prepare your speaking exam by practising the exercises from your reader. Be prepared to speak for 2 minutes about a certain topic (monologue), speak about pictures for 2 minutes, have 2 conversations about familiar topics and pronounce words correctly while reading a given text.  
mat. Your Speaking Exam reader and/or prepared monologues.  
P P : periode taak  
H H : hulp (waar te vinden, extra te doen)  
M M : maken  
L L : leren  
+ + : extra: differentiëren, verdiepen  
T T : toets